Happy Summer, Everyone!
I have two workshops scheduled for this summer, and the first one is only weeks away!
The two sessions are:
July 23rd and 24th
Saturday and Sunday
11am to 2 pm, & 11am to 3 pm
August 20th, and 27th
Two-consecutive Saturdays
11 am to 2 pm, & 11am to 3 pm
Is that screen printing "kit" you got as a gift last year still sitting in its box? Do you want to make your own t-shirts or greeting cards, but feel a little intimidated by the whole "photo-emulsion" process and need help? Well, this class can answer all of your screen printing questions! You will learn how the photo-emulsion method of screen printing works, and print on fabric, paper, vinyl, plastic or even leather. This technique of screen printing is the most effective in achieving quality image detail. You will "burn" your screens with a professional exposure unit, and most importantly, learn how to construct your own exposure unit for future home projects.
This two-day workshop will walk you through the entire process of screen and image preparation to finished print!
Open print sessions are available to individuals who complete this introduction workshop.
Class Fee: $135
Fee covers all tools, including ink and one 10x14 inch screen you get to take home for more printing fun.
Class hours: 2 days, 7 hours total
Level: Beginner
For all adults, ages 16 and up
Limited to 6 students
Class outline:
First day, 3hours:
Please bring to class black and white illustrations, high-contrast photos or any imagery that inspires you. We will discuss how to properly prepare our images for the "burning" process. We will also discuss how to prep our screens and coat them with emulsion. Also, you will have the opportunity to make a reusable stencil and pull some prints.
Before the second class session, you will need to take a trip to a copy center and copy your design or designs to a few pieces of transparencies (which I will provide).
Second day, 4hours:
Please bring t-shirts, fabric or screen printing paper for the last session. We will then burn our screens and print! I will show you how to make your own exposure unit for home use. The screen you get to keep from class can be reused for your projects at home! I will also discuss the different properties of inks.
Location and Important Details
Screen Printing classes take place at Nicole's studio:
6635 North Baltimore Ave, Suite 109
Portland OR 97203, next to beautiful Cathedral Park.
To register for any of the above dates, please call Nicole at
503-422-1252 or send an email to: nicole@ciprianodesigns.com. A PayPal request will be sent to you. All class fees are due at registration. Refunds will be given to those who cancel two days before the first class meeting.